Sunday, February 19, 2017

Why did Simon the Sorcerer try to buy the Holy Spirit from Peter?

The word, “Holy Spirit” is used frequently throughout the book of Acts. Luke presents the holy spirit as a joyful celebration and praise of the gospel. Scholar Wayne Jackson does a great description of breaking down what exactly the gift of the holy spirit is. Wayne Jackson says, “it is something different from and in consequence of the reception of the forgiveness of sins.” Having the gift of the holy spirit is very significant to the Christian Church because it is part of the process of becoming a Christian after being baptized. If Simon was baptized, why did he not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and attempts to buy the power of the Holy Spirit?

In the book of Acts, Simon was considered a sorcerer in the region of Samaria. Simon is also known as Simon Magus. Although Simon was not given this name in the New Testament, it is used to justify his calling and his account of the event that occurred in Acts 8:9. The name “Magus” simply means sorcerer. A sorcerer is someone who believes to have power, which can also be a wizard. Simon was considered a sorcerer because he achieved in his practice, since in Acts 8:9-11 it reads that the people in Samaria listened to him, also being called the Great Power of God.

Sorcery was common in the ancient world. While some acts demonstrated illusions of the mind, others were empowered by Satan in attempt to do the works of the power of God. This is the way they made their money. As far as the gospel is concerned, being a sorcerer is the work of evil spirits and evil doings. Simon's ambition as a sorcerer caused an abundance of mischief both in the World and to some in the Church. Simon wanted the prestige of the Apostles without becoming a true follower. He saw the holy spirit as a way to further himself in his own endeavors. Simon had bewitched the people. This means he had basically convinced them that his power was supreme.

When Peter and John was sent to Samaria to pray for the new believers that were baptized, they were instantly filled with the holy spirit. When Simon witnessed a new source of power demonstrated by Peter, he wanted it. He offered his money for the gift of the holy spirit. The bible does not say that Simon knew who the Apostles were and what their mission was, however, it does say that he wanted to be able to lay hands and get the same results Peter did. Sorcery was present in the Old Testament writings also and God warned against it (Leviticus 19:31), so it is quite evident that Simon's motive was not originated from godly desire.

This became a conflict once one of the 7 deacons, Phillip began to preach the truth of the Kingdom of God in the same area of Samaria that Simon did because some still followed and believed Simon, the sorcerer. The people were confused on what was the truth itself. Once Phillip began to preach in Samaria, the people then slowly listened to him and believed Phillips preaching concerning the good news of the Kingdom of God. Even Simon believed. Phillip influenced others to get baptized, including Simon. After every man and woman was baptized, they received the Holy Spirit, except Simon. Acts 8:18. Why did Simon not receive the Holy Spirit?

 Below is a funny YouTube video of an illustration of Simon the Sorcerer. It gives a more visual of what Simon did as a sorcerer.

In conclusion, Simon tried to buy the gift of the holy spirit from Peter because he was a sorcerer. He did not receive the gift of the holy spirit because he wanted to mock it for money more than to have it in his heart to believe in God. Simon wanted the holy spirit for the wrong reasons. He wanted to use it to bring to his people that listened and believed him because he was a sorcerer and wanted to convince others he had this magical power of having the Holy Spirit. That was his role. This is considered a sin in the Christian Church and also to God. Simon wanted the powers only to perform but not to believe. This is why Simon tried to buy this gift. He knew not of what the actual Holy Spirit was. He only thought of it to be another way to make money and to mislead others of him being the power of God by performing this gift. God did not allow him to receive the holy spirit because of this reason. Simon the Sorcerer.

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